Thursday, May 8, 2008

why... ?

love can turn sour after a period of time?
yes, perhaps.

no matter how strong is the love contributed by a person, if the other half of the partner does not play their role well, it is so so useless.
clapping with one hand will not able to make sound

why is it the parent that having problems but the children are the one that needs to bear all the suffering?
i just dont understand

why cant one person just give way and another person try to be more open-minded? problems can be solve in many ways, just depend on how we see and react to it.
be mature ok

any decisions made can affect alot of things. think twice before making a decision. think of others, and not only for yourselves.
love for others means love yourselves too =)

you may be suffer alot, but at the same time the other half always suffer too but in silent-- who knows? and who will understand? most people will only judge by the appearance, the person that looks weaker always be the one that gets all the concerns and cares by others. strong doesnt mean that they do not need people to care for them ok.
people always need cares, concerns and attentions from others

i personally thinks that the person who always look tough n strong are the one that actually need cares and concern by peoples. they just dont want to burden others with their own problems but
always help to solve other people's problems.
am i right?
1 minute silence...
*praying hard*
all things starts well and end well
-- littlepinkie --

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