Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Helplessly useless =(

other than listen, what else can be done?
i rather live in denial, in a world without any worries.

i learn to be grateful, i appreciate everything but i still cant find a way to show it to them which i wish i could.

-- littlepinkie --


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you shouldn't say that. You might can't help anything but at least, you can show your support?

Living in denial will lead you to more of the following problems. Face it.

Wake up everyday and smile to yourself in the mirror and say: "Thank god(whichever god is yours) that i'm still alive, and I will do my best to give my support to others".

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

No wonder you looked so familiar. Saw your blog when blog hopping. Haha. *and i event commented =.=*

So, are you still living in denial? I hope not!

Very sorry ya cause I didn't get to snap your pictures. Let me know again if you're attending any events, and if I can be there, maybe I can just snap some. Okay?

littlepinkie said...

haha.. not anymore!
lol.... it's ok. bcz that day i was bz hitting target. haha.